Environmental Impact

Eco-Char addresses the issues caused by traditional, environment-harming fuels like coal, wood based charcoal, furnace oil, carbon powder, and pyro-oil. By replacing these with an eco-friendly, smokeless, and high-calorific-value fuel, it directly contributes to:

Smoke Elimination - Up to 95% reduction in smoke emissions (both in production method and product utilization) leading to cleaner airband and a healthier environment.
Reduction in Deforestation - Utilization of biomass (crop residue) instead of wood contributes to the preservation of forests and biodiversity.
Innovation for the sake of Environment:-
Unlike traditional approaches, our process and kilns are specifically designed to accommodate Pakistani crop residue such as corn stovers, cotton sticks, and bagasse, ensuring a tailored and efficient production method.
Zero Carbon Methodology:-
Eco-Char's production process is designed to minimize negative environmental impact, aligning with a zero carbon methodology ensuring Minimal Carbon Footprint.

Environmental Impact

SDG-7: Affordable & Clean Energy
	The idea/project seeks to address issue of adulterated or sub-standard fuel use i.e., coal, furnace oil, carbon powder, pyro-oil, in chemical industry, smelting industry and food industry by replacing these with eco-friendly, smokeless and high calorific value fuel produced through furniture crop left-over bio-mass, furniture wood waste, sawdust etc.

SDG-12: Responsible & Consumption Production
	The project envisage the use of biomass that is being left over after the food crop.

SDG-13: Climate Action
	The project envisage to eliminate the burning of left-over rice stubble burning in the months of October-November which causes the dense smog in Central Punjab especially Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Okara.
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